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Located at Salamanca, one of the most prestigious neighborhoods of Madrid. HAWKERS decided to open its first experiential store. Taking into account that the visitors of the store would not have the profile of most of the brand’s customers. We decided to work with a risky concept to maximize the impact on them. So we made something that without a doubt people wouldn’t expect “transform the store into a Chinese restaurant”. To build the space we used some of the most traditional elements of the Chinese culture and we placed them out of context. Through these elements and its repetition our design would become a singular place. And “the sunglasses” our most important element at the store would have a lot of presence on top of the Chinese dishes. And one more thing to complete the experience, we decided to give our costumers a gift for each purchase. A red book with 365 blank pages to write their future. Using it as a metaphor to Mao’s red book.


Concept | Mao World

Category: Retail Design

Design Team: Ana Escudero & HAWKERS RETAIL TEAM