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We were asked to design the Gustavo Gili’s editorial flagship store in Barcelona; the target of this space is to reach a wider audience. So we focused on what Gustavo Gili wants to reflect in it’s image; modern, innovation, advance, but always maintaining a traditional look.

We developed a concept based on the home feeling; CASA GG is a multidisciplinary space in which people can take a cup of coffee, work, have a glass of wine or just read. This is why we divided the space in different zones, so people could find common spaces as living rooms, and others to be alone like a working zone. CASA GG is flexible and cozy it works as a club. Only members are able to access in their installations, this gives users a lot of privacy and feel at home.


Home feeling concept

Category: Interior design | Retail design

Design Team: Maiana Babot, Ana Escudero, Sofia Kluever.